ARTICLE 1- The Parties
1.1. SELLER / Service Provider
TURSAB (Association of Turkish Travel Agencies) NAME: Romos Travel Agency LICENSE: A-13114
Istanbul Chamber of Commerce NAME: Romos Turizm, Bilişim, Dış Ticaret Ltd. Şti
Address: Sinanpaşa Mahallesi, Alaybeyi Street, Hakan Zini İşhanı, No: 2 Kat: 3 BEŞİKTAŞ / İSTANBUL
Telephone: +90 212 327 26 87
1.2. Buyer / Customer
It is the user who purchases goods or services over the SELLER.
ARTICLE 2: Subject
The subject of this contract is the determination of the parties’ rights and responsibilities following Law No.4077 on the Protection of Consumers and the Regulation on Distance Contracts regarding the service provision BUYER has ordered electronically from
The BUYER acknowledges that the SELLER has given all kinds of contact information, the features of the services or products subject to sale, the sales price, including taxes, the payment method, and all the preliminary information about the service subject to sale, and accepts and declares that the order has been placed under these conditions.
The preliminary information on the site and the purchase invoice is an integral part of this contract.
ARTICLE 3- Contractual Service / Payment Information
The services are paid and ordered electronically, and invoice information for the BUYER is as follows: The person or institution to be invoiced must match the information of the person or institution making the contract. The BUYER is deemed to have accepted that the information given below is complete and correct.
SELLER cannot be held responsible for damages arising from incorrect or incomplete information. If the SELLER believes that the information does not match the truth, it has the right to withdraw the service it will offer.
Service / Services Received
Tourism and tour Package services are sold through
Invoice information
Romos Tourism Informatics Foreign Trade Limited Company
Besiktas V.D. 7351623268
ARTICLE 4- Contract Date and Force Majeure
The contract date is the day on which the BUYER pays for the service he wants to receive.
Situations that make it impossible for the BUYER or SELLER to fulfill their obligations (disaster, terrorism, strike, technical failure, changing legislation provisions, and similar situations) will be considered force majeure from the moment the contract is deemed valid. The party experiencing this situation is obliged to make a written statement to the other party as soon as possible.
The parties will not be responsible for the failure to fulfill the obligations due to the continuation of force majeure or other reasons. Continuation of force majeure / reasons for 30 days gives the parties the right to terminate the contract unilaterally.
ARTICLE 5: General Transaction Conditions
5.1. The BUYER accepts that he has read and been informed of the preliminary information about the basic characteristics, sales price, payment method, and delivery of the products shown on its site and gives the necessary confirmation for sales in the electronic environment.
5.2. If the PRODUCT or SERVICE is directed to a person/organization other than the BUYER, the SELLER cannot be held responsible if the person/organization to be delivered does not accept the delivery or service.
5.3. At the request of the SELLER during the SERVICE, the BUYER is obliged to sign a printed copy of this agreement. The Contract approved by the BUYER is valid in any case.
5.4. The BUYER must have paid the price before receiving the PRODUCT or SERVICE unless otherwise stipulated in writing by the SELLER. If the product price is not paid to the SELLER, the SELLER may cancel the contract unilaterally and may not deliver or fulfill the PRODUCT / SERVICE.
5.5. If, for any reason, after the performance of the SELLER, the Bank / financial institution to which the transaction credit card belongs does not pay the price of the PRODUCT / SERVICE to the SELLER, the SERVICE will not be operated.
ARTICLE 6- Rights and Obligations of the Seller
6.1. SELLER, Law No. 4077 on the Protection of Consumers and Distance Contracts
Following the Regulation provisions, it accepts and undertakes to fulfill its obligations, except for force majeure, fully.
6.2. It cannot be held responsible for incorrect pricing due to system-based errors or omissions. The SELLER is also exempt from errors in the system, design, or incoming cyber attacks on the website. The SELLER cannot be held responsible for the grievances of the BUYER due to system-based errors.
6.4. collects the cost of their services via Virtual POS. It is mandatory to pay the specified amount to start using the services. The services’ delivery date is determined separately for each service, and the SELLER gives detailed information about the deadline when the BUYER’s order is received. The remaining payment for the service is collected before the service or on the start day of the tour.
ARTICLE 7- Rights and Obligations of the Buyer
7.1. The BUYER agrees and undertakes to fulfill its obligations except for force majeure.
7.2. The BUYER is deemed to have accepted this contract’s obligations as soon as he places his order and pays the service fee.
7.3. The BUYER agrees and declares that he can access all contact information of the SELLER from the website.
7.4. The BUYER acknowledges and agrees that it has accessed the precautions taken against possible situations, warnings, and detailed information about the services and payment terms from and has read and understood it.
7.5. The BUYER has the right to give up the services purchased on the same day as the order. In this case, if the invoice is issued, it accepts and undertakes that it will return the original invoice and delivery note to the SELLER as soon as the invoice is received.
7.6. All legal liabilities and taxes (including stamp tax of this contract) and other risks that may arise from this contract or the purchase and sale of the PRODUCT / SERVICE between the parties belong to the BUYER.
ARTICLE 8- Order / Payment Procedure
After the BUYER approves the amount of the service/product, including VAT, the transaction starts through the relevant bank card’s POS.
The BUYER is notified when any malfunction occurs during the payment process or if there is a credit card problem. In cases deemed necessary, we may request that the BUYER meet with the bank to solve the problem. The SELLER’s obligation to meet the request starts when the price of the related service is paid.
If we cannot supply the service paid for a justifiable reason, a similar service is provided in line with the BUYER’s choice by informing the BUYER without delay. The BUYER can choose this method or give up the service he wants to receive and request a refund.
BUYER will not claim any additional material or moral damage from the SELLER.
At the sales prices of the services are collected by money order or via Virtual POS. Credit card information used in payments made via virtual POS is encrypted with SSL technology. The payment system provides the necessary infrastructure to provide privacy and security. Users who do not want to pay via Virtual POS can also pay for the services via money order / EFT. BUYER, any bank
can make the transfer via. If the payment is made via EFT, the date on which the payment is transferred to the SELLER account is taken into account in the obligation to provide the service. The sender information for a money order and/or EFT must be the same as the personal information on the invoice, and the order detail must be noted as a note.
If the BUYER has made the payment by credit card, it accepts, declares, and undertakes that it will also confirm the relevant interest rates and the information about the default interest from the bank and that we will apply the provisions regarding interest and default interest within the scope of the “Credit Card Agreement” between the Bank and the BUYER.
ARTICLE 9 – Service Procedure
If there is any problem regarding the service within the specified days, the BUYER agrees to inform Romos without losing time.
The business will not share its customers’ personal information with third parties, companies, and unauthorized personnel within the scope of this contract and confidentiality agreement.
Personal information includes details of its customers’ identity information, such as name, surname, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and similar personal details.
ARTICLE 11: Confidentiality
The information in this contract and any BUYER information will not be shared with third parties, except for administrative or legal obligations. In forensic investigations, the SELLER has to share the information requested from him with the relevant authorities.
The credit card information of the BUYER is not stored in any way. This information is transmitted securely to the relevant bank during collection securely, and after this process, all data are deleted.
Information such as the e-mail address, postal address, and telephone number of the BUYER is used only by the SELLER to inform the BUYER (promotion, the introduction of new services, etc.).
ARTICLE 12: Authorized Court and Enforcement Offices in Case of Dispute
In cases of dispute arising from the implementation of this contract, Istanbul Courts and enforcement offices are authorized.
In the event of the payment to be made by the BUYER to its website, the BUYER is deemed to have accepted all the terms of this contract in full.
This contract has been arranged in a single copy, and an approved copy can be given to the BUYER if requested.
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